
Ball and Chain

This is me. I am tied to my son by an imaginary ball and chain. For the past few days, he hasn't taken the bottle...again! And this time not just from Joe, but from anyone. Which means that I am chained to feeding him "straight from the nip" as Uncle Matt says. We have about two more months of pure breastmilk before we introduce solids, at which point I'll be more free. But in the meantime, family and friends, please take no offense if I can't be somewhere without him for more than 3 hours at a time. It doesn't mean I've become one of those mothers who can't let go, it doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with adults only, it just means I can't bear to starve my child just so I can have adult time. I keep telling myself it's temporary.

If anyone has any suggestions for tricking him into taking the bottle again, please let me know. We've tried everything we know of and have researched, but someone must know of something we haven't heard of yet.

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