
Paradise at Walmart

Lunch at Bistro Don Giovanni's in Napa, dropped Tristan off at Auntie Katie's in Fairfield, shopped 1.5 hours in Walmart, and topped it off with a softie from McDonald's. Now that's a good day. Say what you will about Walmart: sure, you'll see some weird looking folk there, sure, they take down small businesses, but how can you feel anything but delight when you see your overpriced favorite cereal for $3 cheaper than Safeway!? Nay-sayers need to just open their eyes, give it a chance, and let in the Walmart light. That's what I think.

At Walmart, I found a great ivory bulky non-wool yarn (SO hard to find in SF), that I'm looking to knit into a hat with ear flaps for baby T. Wouldn't that be adorable? I'm thinking something like this, but my baby's cuter of course:

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