So when Joe asked, "What are we doing for Easter?" I was quite confused. The talk continued with discussions about the Easter Bunny, Easter dinner, taking photos with the Easter Bunny, dressing in brightly colored clothing, and the unsaid suggestion that somehow I had missed out on an integral part of childhood. Personally, I didn't think so, but hey, if Joe wants Tristan to get a visit by some bunny, who am I to stand in the way? It really is just another bribery tool that adults use to hang over their children. "Be good or the Easter Bunny won't come!" And observing Tristan's hyperactivity over the past 5 months, I anticipate I'll need all the tools I can get my hands on. So bring on the Easter Bunny!
We proceeded to my favorite mall, Stonestown, and paid way too much for computer print-outs of Tristan with the Easter Bunny.

Daddy and Tristan waiting in a 45 minute line to take a photo with the Easter Bunny. (Notice the similar 'elf' ears on them. Kind of cute.)

What is Daddy doing with the Easter Bunny!?

A happy Tristan alongside a kind of scary looking bunny.
On Easter Sunday, we had Easter dinner with the Marshmans. It included ham, mac n cheese, corn, and some good biscuits. Auntie Katie, Joe's sister, definitely has a way with Tristan. He arrived in a foul mood and she was able to change that around in a heartbeat. Soon enough, he was a happy smiley baby once again.
I love reading your I read it, I can hear it being in your voice! It's awesome!