says that babies don't self-wean until they're over 2 years old. has obviously not met Tristan Dea Marshman.
Three days ago, Tristan decided to deny nursing at night. I don't know why, I mean, it's not like the kid talks. So I had no idea what to do about it because I didn't know the reason. And then the swirling emotions of mother-guilt began to plague me. What was I doing wrong? What about our special bonding together? So then we tried the bottle, which of course he refused as well. Then panic set in. No nursing, and no bottle. He'd shrivel up like a little shrinky dink in no time! But he'd throw that bottle away like it was filled to the brim with poison.
Until today.
This morning, I sat him on the kitchen counter facing me, and stuck a bottle of formula in his mouth. He took it. And I fed him, my eyes wide and heart elated at 6:30am. Who can ever remember feeling overjoyed at 6:30am? I sure can't remember a time. But today, I was. Overjoyed doesn't even do it justice. This was the FIRST time he had ever taken a bottle from me. First time ever in his teeny little lifetime. But Tristan can be a big ol' tease. So I decided not to get my hopes up.
Tonight, he took another bottle, this time from Joe. I'd show you the video, but of course youtube uploading is down right now. I'll be sure to upload it tomorrow.
I will miss nursing him. It was our time to be still, to be one. But between the biting (ouch!) and the inconvenient pumping at work, I think I'll easily transition to not nursing. I lasted 10 months. Not a bad go in my opinion.
Now I'll have to find other ways to trick him into cuddling with me.
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